Meditation 101 – The Monkey Mind

What do you get when you combine a toddler and an eight-ball of top-notch Colombian cocaine? My mind during meditation. At least that’s how it feels the moment my “don’t be a wuss, get up & meditate” alarm goes off and it’s time to hit the cushion. There’s a Pavlovian response in me that tells […]

The Finances of Change

The Change Finances, If you can’t afford to make change in your life, it most likely has nothing to do with money. Change is expensive – energetically speaking. Wait. Before you tune out because I’ve gone full hippy on you, hear me on this one. Change really is expensive, and if you don’t have the […]

Are Invisible Barriers Holding You Back?

invisible barriers

What invisible barriers are you setting for yourself? I used to have a client named Augie. Every few months Augie would show up to one of our evening CrossFit classes wearing jeans and boat shoes. I’d ask him what happened and invariably he’d say: “Sorry coach, I forgot my gym clothes, do you mind if […]