Man Uncivilized – Why every man needs a cornerman. Now more than ever.

Every man needs a cornerman. To a fighter, their cornerman is part priest, part motivational speaker, and part doctor, while also wearing a thousand more hats. They wipe the blood from your face and argue with the ref that it’s not impeding your vision and you can fight on. They tell you when you’re losing […]

The Male Animal Credo – Why Men Need To Shift Our Attitudes

My jiu jitsu coach Chris Haueter used to say, “Fighting, feeding, and fu*king, Traver. That’s the male animal’s credo. That’s what we’re wired to do.” Chris chokes people for a living, and write poetry in his free time. Some are going to read that and miss the point. It’s a statement about our biology, about […]

Why You Should Continue Meditating Even If You Think You’re Doing It Wrong

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meditation practice, In Tokyo, you can buy anything from a vending machine. Anything. Whiskey, cigarettes, clothing, and of course, the ubiquitous Cup Noodle are all available with the push of a button. When I lived in Japan as a kid, I lived on Cup Noodle. For the equivalent of a dollar fifty, I had myself […]