Three Ways Men Can Profoundly Improve Their Lives Immediately

men lives improvement, I keep hearing men are irrelevant these days. The best part of us has been replaced by vibrating plastic. The idea that we are necessary for protection, bread winning, and chivalry got burned with the bras of the seventies. In turn, we’ve turned into a species of lost souls. We bury ourselves […]

Two Habits To Adopt Immediately: Asking For What You Need & Brutal Honesty

My old swim coach, Tim Murphy, used to tell us that we’d beat 90% of the competition just by properly performing the streamline position coming off of a turn during our races. That was it. Turn and push off the side of the pool in a more efficient manner than most people were willing to […]

“I Love You” is Dead – Say This Instead

“I love you” is so 1994. It’s been overused by both sexes for decades in an attempt to garner sexual favors, secure engagement rings, and further foster codependency. I tell my new roommates I love them. My neighbor tells me she loves me before I take cross-country flights. I do love my new roommates, and my neighbor does love […]

What No One Else Will Tell You About Meditation

No one talk about meditation, I knew she was in trouble long before she sat down on the cushion next to me. Her attire of tight jeans and a form-fitting white tank top were perfect for happy hour but made her stick out like a sore thumb in the black sea of modest clothing worn by […]

8 Steps To Survive & Thrive After A Breakup Or Divorce

There is no preparation for the morning after a heartbreak… That awful moment after the naivety of dream state forgetfulness transcends into the brutal crash of reality when your eyes crack open. When your breath is sucked from your lungs and a thousand knives begin surgically attacking your heart bringing on the waves of nausea, […]